Use this devo as you are able, in whole or in part. Don’t feel compelled to read it all. Simply read and meditate upon whatever catches your attention. The goal is enjoying time with God through His Word and in prayer. Questions about the devotional elements?
Using the Advent Devo
The Advent Devo walks through the narrative of Jesus’ birth. It begins in the Garden with God’s promise of a Savior and ends with an eager anticipation of Jesus’ promised return. In the middle, God shows His unmistakable faithfulness in sending the promised Rescuer. We see His love for the lowly and outcast as He proclaims the news of His Son to the shepherds. We marvel at His heart to see all nations come and worship His Son through the Magi’s journey.
Even if you know the Advent narrative well, don’t rush past what God has for you in this season. For many, this may be the first time to consider all that God is saying through the birth of His Son. For others, it will be an opportunity to rediscover the way God intimately works in the details of life for His glory and the good of man. For all of us, may this season be one marked by hope, expectation, remembrance, and worship. The King has come and is coming! There is much to celebrate.
Call to Prayer
“I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” (Ps. 130:5)
Scripture Reading
Readings: Isaiah 63:16; 64:1, 6-9 + Psalm 89:1-4
Read the passages above.
Then spend a moment in quiet stillness before God.
(Click on the link to read each of the passages, or turn there in your Bible)
Christians have sung songs, hymns, and spiritual songs of praise for generation upon generation in the church. Today, and each Saturday throughout Advent, we want to encourage you to sing some Christmas hymns. Try singing and committing to memory these hymns either on your own or with others!
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
(An Advent favorite retuned as a folk tune by The Petersens)
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
(This retuned classic Advent hymn is well worth the listen!)
Charles Wesley (1707-1788); Retuned by Alex Mejias (2011)
God of all hope, in Jesus your salvation broke into our world, and his return gives purpose to our living in this broken world. Make me ready for that day when he comes again with great glory and majesty to judge the living and the dead, renewing and cleansing this tired world, making everything new. Make me ready for that future day by living hopefully today. In the name of our soon arriving Savior, amen. (prayer based on the Belgic Confession, Question 37).
*Prayer borrowed from Philip Reinders’ Seeking God’s Face: Praying with the Bible through the Year
Advent begins in the dark. Literally. It is the darkest time of the year. Advent, which begins our church calendar, begins facing this darkness. Advent comes to us as a gift of darkness, emptiness, and says – will you enter this period of waiting with me?
Will you pause to remember and recognize your own emptiness and darkness – and practice longing for the light? These works of art invite us to enter into the wonder and waiting for the Light of the World to dawn on Christmas morn.
(if accessing via email, CLICK these links: Advent Playlist 1 + Advent Playlist 2)
May the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven, shine on those living in darkness and guide our feet into the path of peace. (see Luke 1:78-79)