• Oak Pointe Missions

    Sharing the Hope and Message of Jesus to the Ends of the Earth

Local Outreach

At Oak Pointe, serving the community around us is an important value as we seek to love people and share the good news of Jesus through the act of good deeds. Together, we can continue to be a church that is known for its willingness and ability to help with physical needs when they arise. Click below to learn how you can play a part in advancing His kingdom in our local community.

Community Box

The Community Box is how we fund our benevolence giving for people in the community or our church who find themselves in need of a little extra help. Whatever the physical need may be, we respond to benevolence requests through a process that allows us to discern how to wisely help.

GIVE to the Community Box

Select “Benevolence | Milford” fund

Embrace Grace Ministry

Embrace Grace provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for primarily single, young women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. They also partner with the local pregnancy center to meet physical needs when they arise.

JOIN the network of people that help meet these needs

Contact Stephanie Barnard using our Connection Form.

Van Ministry Team

Make it possible for kids & students from the community to come to church, hear about Jesus, and grow in their faith when they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

JOIN the Van Ministry Team

Use our Connection Form to find out more.

Care Team

This team is designed to care for our church community, as well as those in the greater Milford community who don’t know Jesus, through prayer, connection, meeting practical needs such as meals, and walking alongside them through difficult times.

JOIN the Care Team

Use our Connection Form to find out more.

Neighbor Day


Each Neighbor Day, we look forward to making Jesus known as we serve and love our neighbors at different projects around the community we call home.

Kids Morning Camp


Whether you have the availability to volunteer in July, or can donate food ahead of time – there are so many ways you can help us make the Kids Morning Camp possible!

Global Partners

We are privileged to partner with incredible organizations and people across the globe to demonstrate the love and hope of Jesus through church planting, Biblical training, caring for children, family ministry, and more. Continue reading to learn how you can come alongside our global partners in sharing the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

The Timothy Initiative – Worldwide

The Timothy Initiative exists to advance Christ’s Kingdom by multiplying disciples and disciple making churches around the world. Through TTI’s training, local leaders equip Christians over a two year partnership with the necessary tools, resources, and strategies to reach their nations for Christ. This allows them to stay in the community they are trying to disciple, rather than leave and pay expensive fees to attend Bible school. Church plants meet in homes, on mountaintops, under trees, and in river beds – they don’t focus on building structures, so the process is sustainable, reproducible, and cost-effective.

PRAY for Timothy church planters around the world, and the “Pauls” who are training them

GIVE to the Timothy Initiative – Select “Missions | Milford” fund

JOIN the Oak Pointe Timothy Training Center – Use our Connection Form to find out more.

Living Hope International – Zambia

Living Hope International continues to expand their financially sustainable, faith-driven campus that provides orphaned children in the region of Ndola, Zambia with a loving home-life, K-12 schooling, high-quality athletic and performing arts programs, vocational training, and an opportunity for a college education. Their vision is to see at risk children in impoverished nations be transformed through Christ’s love into leaders who guide their communities and countries out of poverty, corruption, and injustice.

PRAY for Living Hope International staff and the children under their care

GIVE to Living Hope International – one-time and recurring options available

JOIN the work Living Hope International is doing by sponsoring a child

Julio Herrera – Peru

Julio, along with his wife Sandra and their daughters Cesia (16 yrs) and Keren (13 yrs), live in Cusco – a city in the Peruvian Andes that was once the capital of the Inca Empire. From this location, Julio uses his pastoral experience to minister to villages throughout the region, focusing on pastoral training, evangelism, and family ministry.

PRAY for Julio’s family & ministry in the following areas:

  • God’s guidance and provision for Cesia’s education.
  • Their next church plant among the Q’jeros community people. That God would do his work in and through leaders there as they go door by door to share the Gospel.
  • Sandra’s studies in seminary.
  • God’s direction for Julio as he prepares a Bible course for a church, and the training of pastors!

GIVE to Julio’s ministry – Select “Missions | Milford” fund

Short-Term Mission Trips

At Oak Pointe, short-term mission trips are your opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ while providing for the physical needs of our brothers and sisters across the globe. We would love for you to join us on this mission to spread love and care to others. Continue reading to learn about our upcoming trips.


March 19-30, 2024

Many families in the community of Sucua, Ecuador suffer from abuse. The foster home serves to remove children from abusive families, restore the families to health through counseling, teaching and the love of Jesus Christ. The long-term vision is to rescue children, restore relationships and rebuild the family back to health and provide them with a deeper foundation built on Jesus Christ.



May 19–26, 2024

Throughout Belize there is a distinct need for discipleship and training. The country suffers from broken homes, abuse, and poverty. People groups away from the capitol city have limited access to medical assistance and care.


Lusaka, Zambia

June 7–21, 2024

Share the good news of Jesus Christ while providing for the physical needs of our Zambian brothers and sisters in partnership with CRU/Zambia.


Nagoya & Tokyo, Japan

July 20–30, 2024

Oak Pointe continues to build bridges between Novi and Japan because of the trend of people immigrating to the US for the auto-industry and other specialized industries. Many Japanese families get connected to the church through ESL while in Novi but return to Japan within 3-5 years. Churches in Japan are smaller in size and have limited opportunities to engage their communities and partner with other churches.



July 21–27, 2024 (707: High School Students)

Provide compassion to immigrant communities in the Baja Peninsula through construction of houses, education, and community care.


Disaster Relief

To Be Determined

Provide emergency aid and disaster relief to affected individuals in partnership with Samaritan’s Purse. Share God’s love and mobilize God’s church.



Use our Connection Form to find out more.