About Cheryl Hawes

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But we are proud to say that Cheryl Hawes contributed 893 entries already.

Entries by Cheryl Hawes

Daily Devo | December 2, 2020 (Advent)

Dear Lord Jesus, Advent has just begun, and I am praying it will be a season marked more by hush than rush. If I’m going to be busy with anything, may it be with quieting my heart, focusing my gaze, and setting my affection on things above…

Daily Devo | December 1, 2020 (Advent)

After he knocks at his friend’s door, he hears a sleepy voice from the inside telling him to go away: everyone is asleep. Anyone with children, especially more than one, understands his reluctance to wake them up…

Daily Devo | November 30 (Advent)

Jesus teaches us that what we ask for in prayer is rarely what we need. We usually ask for provision, when the God who knows how to give good gifts is ready to give us his presence through the Holy Spirit…

Daily Devo | November 26, 2020

Now APPLY what you’ve read: How does this passage challenge (or confirm) your understanding? Is there some attitude you need to change? What does this passage teach you about being a disciple of Jesus?…

Daily Devo | November 25, 2020

READ the passage SLOWLY as if for the first time. Then look for three things: Light Bulbs: Anything that stood out to you each day. Question Marks: What didn’t make sense? What do you wonder about? Arrows: Anything that seems to apply directly to you…

Daily Devo | November 24, 2020

We are taking a break from the parables Devo this week. So here’s what I want to encourage you to do. Take the readings above each day and use the following reading method: READ the passage SLOWLY as if for the first time. Then look for three things:…

Daily Devo | November 19, 2020

“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Foolishness is reality-denying, God-denying “non-sense.” It’s the conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories! The fool says in his heart, against all the evidence of the universe, “But, what if, there is no God?” But it’s not as simple as that. The psalm is not just going after agnostic or atheistic people…