Daily Devo | November 2, 2020
Jesus, here we are again, desiring a thing, desiring many things, that were we to indulge in, it would war against our own hearts. O Christ, rather let our lives be thine!…
Jesus, here we are again, desiring a thing, desiring many things, that were we to indulge in, it would war against our own hearts. O Christ, rather let our lives be thine!…
Herod’s death threat doesn’t seem to phase Jesus, who responds in a way both belittling to Herod’s political position and revealing of Jesus’ ultimate goal (I’ll paraphrase): “Go tell that fox, I’ve got bigger fish to fry…
“Amen!” Jesus says, and then proceeds to reveal that this is actually a parable about the kingdom where the first are last and the last are first. God’s kingdom is the place where sinners who know they are in need of mercy get…
Jesus’ parable reaches back into Israel’s history even as it looks forward into what will become his own experience in a matter of days. Out of desperation, the naïve landlord decides…
There is an interesting connection between the passages for our Sermon Series (Luke 20) and Men’s/Women’s Groups (Luke 10) this week. Are you ready for it?…
Luke 20 turns on six major questions. 1) By whose authority does Jesus do and teach these things? 2) “Was John the Baptist a prophet from heaven or humans?” 3)”What will the owner do?” 4) “Is taxation theft? To pay taxes or naw?”…
What he’s doing here is deliberately bringing us into another world, the one that surrounds this meal. Thousands of years ago, a people was groaning under the weight of the oppression that was laid on them…
We might ask at this point, well, what exactly does leaven do? If you’ve ever spent time baking in a kitchen or watching the bakers on the Great British Bake Off (queue the theme song in the heads of those who’ve seen it), then the image should come readily to mind…
Both the seed grows and the yeast grows. It’s very interesting because the power of the yeast and the power of the seed are kind of deceptive almost…
But what about that fig tree? Jesus’ short parable in Luke 13:6-9 involves a fruitless fig tree in a vineyard which is visited by it’s owner for three years, a strikingly similar length to Jesus’ own ministry and visits to Jerusalem…