Daily Devo | August 7, 2020

…we are called to press on, to run to get what we already have. This is strange, but true. You have already been grabbed by Christ and had your relationship with God changed, but now you’re running after the same Christ…

Daily Devo | August 6, 2020

A Christian counts everything as rubbish compared to the surpassing worth of knowing him. What a Christian says is, “If trouble in my love life has helped me get to know him better, so his love comes down on me, so I’m more dependent on him, so he’s more real to me, so I’m clinging to him in prayer…

Daily Devo | August 5, 2020

Paul had a many reasons to be confidently self-sufficient. His education, career, and social background set him among the elite. He was as morally righteous as a person can be, and yet…

Daily Devo | August 4, 2020

If you think that your moral goodness makes you pure, then you’ve missed the impurity of your sin that makes even your best efforts filthy like the street dogs that plagued ancient cities. If you consider yourself a “blameless law-doer,” then you reveal the self-righteous condition …

Daily Devo | August 3, 2020

How do you enter into a wilderness? What gear and provisions will you bring with you? If you went to REI, what gear would they recommend? Paul recommends something that on the surface seems impractical: joy in Christ as King…

Daily Devo | July 31, 2020

Let Paul teach you the reality of Christ’s control of your life, so that you frame your plans and dreams and hopes in the light of Christ’s lordship. Let Timothy show you what it looks like to push back against your own fears…

Daily Devo | July 30, 2020

Paul and Epaphroditus’ longing to be with their brothers and sisters in Christ is counter-cultural to our ingrained individualism which subtly consumes our days and alters our affections…

Daily Devo | July 29, 2020

…perhaps their lives were knit so tightly together because grace had given them a common language to speak to one another. A language known only by those who redeemed by the blood of the Lamb…

Daily Devo | July 28, 2020

The word for genuine concern here carries with it the anxious or intensive care that a doctor gives to her patient, a shepherd gives to his sheep, or a hound gives to something that has caught his nose. Timothy was intent on seeing their salvation worked out…

Daily Devo | July 27, 2020

Paul, among the Apostles, provides us with the most autobiographical material about his life and ministry. In his letters we hear about his friends, who he is discipling and spending time with…