Romans 1:4 + Acts 17:31
Romans 1:4
and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power[a] by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.
Acts 17:31
For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.
You have often heard it said, “You can only be certain of two things in this life: death and taxes.” In this world, there are so many conflicting messages, claims, promises and predictions. What do you believe? Amidst a sea of huge ultimate questions, Easter offers us CERTAINTY. Jesus claimed to be God. Then He proved it. By raising from the dead as He promised, He validated who He was. The resurrection not only verified beyond doubt that Jesus was the Son of God; it also verified everything He said was true. He was the Son of God giving us ultimate truth. And that’s what we desperately need in these troubling times.
Why is the resurrection so important in a world dominated by uncertainty? How does the resurrection encourage you and give you the strength to push forward in life and death?
Lord, I praise You for being the Son of God. You are the Way, the Truth and the Light. Oh God, I worship and adore You. I confess Father that I get caught up with all that is going on around me and in the world. It can feel bigger than You at times. I ask that You would help me throughout the day to set my gaze back on You and to invest in things that last forever. Enable me to settle my heart on You, the Hope of Glory, and to remember that I am anchored in You and Your love which is steady, firm, secure and everlasting. As a son/daughter of You Lord, my citizenship is in heaven. Thank You that I don’t have to be afraid because You conquered the grave. Death has no hold on me. Thank You Lord that You have all my days written in Your book and I can live with freedom in knowing that You are the Author and Finisher of my faith. God, I ask that You give me a greater burden for those around me who don’t know You. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask, amen.
- Pray for others who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior yet.
- Pray for the church to be strengthened by the LORD during this time and for Jesus to be high and lifted up in every area of our lives.
- Ask the LORD to give You His love for the lost and prayerfully reach out to your top 3 today and share His love with gentleness. Because of social distancing, you have an opportunity to share the gospel through ZOOM, over the phone, through a letter, etc.