Day 1: This I Know For Sure
You have often heard it said, “You can only be certain of two things in this life: death and taxes.” In this world, there are so many conflicting messages, claims,
You have often heard it said, “You can only be certain of two things in this life: death and taxes.” In this world, there are so many conflicting messages, claims,
If you are anything like me, then you’ve often fallen short of God’s perfect holiness. Because we are all sinners, we struggle with guilt. And over time, the guilt can turn
We live in a challenging world. Especially right now! In the face of so many challenges, God promises that His STRENGTH is available to those who will trust in
With all that is going on in the world with the corona virus, many people are coming to terms with their own mortality. For many today, it’s a real issue to have some certainty
On the surface, Good Friday was not a very good day. The events that took place on that day were awful and showed the very worst behavior that humanity had to
In Mark’s message this weekend, he focused on what we are building our lives upon. Did you notice the “earthiness” of Luke’s version as you read today? The man digs
There’s nothing that goes to your heart quite like a story, and that’s what we have here in John 12. Passover is quickly approaching, and the population of Jerusalem
Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance
When Mary breaks open her alabaster jar of perfume, John is the only gospel writer who directs our attention not to the jar being broken beyond repair
This week we have been looking at Mary’s extravagant response to Jesus as her Redeemer. Today we focus on Jesus’ ultimate response to Mary and all those who would